Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to all my faithful readers invisible friends, then, sorry for the delay, really a thousand pardons, but I'm coming from a long hibernation, yes, yes, a computer hard winter and I've had to accumulate a lot of fat to survive, but do not worry, I'm back with you all
This time I will show you only a taste of what we can observe later, when this all set up again, let the photos speak for themselves.
The polished front block with new bearings.

rear drum brakes, band co-apple holder cover fully polished front, armed and ready for assembly.

made closer to the finish in the brake drum cover polished and carrier bands.

drum brakes with 80 rays or spokes completely recovered, were subjected to a plating process.

Close-up view as the rays or galvanized radios seem ghostly.

The two bike rings were subjected to a plating process, are well wrapped to provide extra protection, also are a state secret.

Well, a wee glimpse of how they look, but very quickly.

Another closer, but so far is enough.

Well, I hope you have liked the open-mouth, this appetizer, not impatient, you'll see the end result soon, I assure you will be luxury.