Incredible, but true
A corruption case called Brugal case "where the time involved 22 counts of the Popular Party, make it into some conversations, Rajoy, Camps, and a" collar "of the Valencian community councilors, and resign rather than hide from everyone and have little shame, and resign are two of the PSOE, amazing what happens in this country, crooks are to theirs, and nothing happens here.
The put right as long uncle, is able to defend a pederast if only in imagination (they do not believe anyone) as Sanchez Drago, or a misogynist the mayor of Valladolid, in this country right impresentable everything goes.
Where are the judges?, Do these things can not be judge? ..
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Corbin Fisher V Sean Cody
The smell of garbage grows and grows and multiplies
The Valencian Community is governed by these unpresentable is turning into an embarrassment general, each day brings new revelations of the amount of waste and corruption in this community, from north to south and from south to north, trash everywhere, and especially a way to corrupt political and indecent.
wiretapping businessman Enrique Ortiz during the investigation of the case Brugal have revealed irregularities in the Government contests to build courts and to adjudicate the Wind Plan of the Valencian Community. In such contracts appear as partners with Ortiz brothers of former Minister for Justice and current vice president of the Supreme Judicial Council, Fernando de Rosa, and the Minister for Social Welfare, Juan Cotino.
's father also named Leire Pajin, the police report contained in the piece on the General Plan of Alicante investigated following the so-called "case Brugal" did not indicate whether or not to perform Pajín that effort, but emphasizes the great interest the then still mayor of Alicante, Luis Díaz Alperi, was that the approval of the plan will accelerate.
If you had a little shame shut the party of the corruPPción closed tight, and it is shown that Leire Pajin intermediate or made any efforts to help the corrupter this, to resign immediately as well, enough of all that rubbish.
And who does not speak or do anything but send sms to support people like the mayor of Valladolid, which face at once, or is it that has so much shit to hide here as the rabble of valence?
The Valencian Community is governed by these unpresentable is turning into an embarrassment general, each day brings new revelations of the amount of waste and corruption in this community, from north to south and from south to north, trash everywhere, and especially a way to corrupt political and indecent.
wiretapping businessman Enrique Ortiz during the investigation of the case Brugal have revealed irregularities in the Government contests to build courts and to adjudicate the Wind Plan of the Valencian Community. In such contracts appear as partners with Ortiz brothers of former Minister for Justice and current vice president of the Supreme Judicial Council, Fernando de Rosa, and the Minister for Social Welfare, Juan Cotino.
's father also named Leire Pajin, the police report contained in the piece on the General Plan of Alicante investigated following the so-called "case Brugal" did not indicate whether or not to perform Pajín that effort, but emphasizes the great interest the then still mayor of Alicante, Luis Díaz Alperi, was that the approval of the plan will accelerate.
If you had a little shame shut the party of the corruPPción closed tight, and it is shown that Leire Pajin intermediate or made any efforts to help the corrupter this, to resign immediately as well, enough of all that rubbish.
And who does not speak or do anything but send sms to support people like the mayor of Valladolid, which face at once, or is it that has so much shit to hide here as the rabble of valence?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Woodworm Cricket Bat Sale
Another more how many will ya? The trial judge
The Mayor of Alicante, the popular Sonia Castedo, has been accused by the local anti-corruption prosecutor, Felipe Briones, had accepted gifts from businessman Enrique Ortiz, accused in the case in exchange Brugal alleged favors in dealing with the new General Urban Plan (Plan), pending the final ratification.
Is there not one honest in the Valencian PP?, Apparently not, what a bunch
The Mayor of Alicante, the popular Sonia Castedo, has been accused by the local anti-corruption prosecutor, Felipe Briones, had accepted gifts from businessman Enrique Ortiz, accused in the case in exchange Brugal alleged favors in dealing with the new General Urban Plan (Plan), pending the final ratification.
Is there not one honest in the Valencian PP?, Apparently not, what a bunch
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Purposely Rude Employee Themed Restaurant
could only happen in this country, instead of judging the offender is judged wanted the judge to judge , and is not a twister, it's a shame
Meanwhile the priest and his "henchmen" are still as hot dogs ...
Copy Carlos Fabra
Tag: Oblique Strategies - Ignacio Escolar
pan the bucket. Or what is the same, praises the honorable molt Francisco Camps accused his fellow defendant, Carlos Fabra honest: "In 200 years there has been a political leader who has done so much for this land." "It has made life for Castellón, without metaphor or rhetoric." "This is an example of seriousness." "You have a great president and we are with you." "Given the dangers and attacks in front of us, you'll find the love of the people." And I'll let the quotes here that I am blushing, but not before three things to remember.
The first is that the ambushes and attacks Fabra suffering are not the work of the front, but of Justice. The President of the Diputación de Castellón, that "political issue," Rajoy said, extending a seven-year trial for which they have already spent nine judges. The prosecution requested 15 years in prison for bribery, influence peddling and tax evasion. Fabra has been unable to explain where they come from 5.3 million euros that have appeared in 94 bank accounts in their name. According to experts, also forgot to declare the treasury 1.7 million euros for nothing.
The second, I do not know if Fabra life has been left by Castellón. But he saved his own in a strange liver transplant operation in a public hospital Madrid, where his son, Juan Jose Guemes, was Minister of Health, "despite its reference center was the Hospital La Fe in Valencia.
The third, that it has not been another leader just two centuries is a clear injustice to others ... Fabra. Carlos Fabra, the meta-Castellón, is president of the council, as was his father, grandfather, great grandfather and great-uncle. Not Bourbon can boast of such dynastic continuity.
Rafael Blasco, the still Minister for Solidarity and Citizenship of the Generalitat, is back in the spotlight, he loves as much as needed, "although this time reluctantly. Information solvents will spread across the country linked to an alleged misuse of funds for international cooperation, which would serve to buy property and establish contracts with an opaque network of foundations. This character who once played for the extreme far left and now charge their services at the opposite end can appeal to the presumption of innocence, but the Prosecutor and the Court of Auditors, is difficult for the Trustee is aware of it, should be investigated without delay this new scandal, to debug the slightest doubt and establish, appropriate, for criminal liability. Dirt policies are not likely to interfere with the principles and tasks of the English right-and especially the Valencia-, whom ethical and aesthetic splash just slip them, as witnessed harrowing exceeded their recent history. Blasco was always a cloudy (as his lieutenant José María Felip), one of whose objectives is still not off the official car. From Joan Lerma socialist government was dismissed and then expelled from the Valencian Socialist Party for corruption. An elite law firm earned his acquittal at trial. With his wife Consuelo Císcar spent with arms and baggage to the ranks of the PP, first command of Eduardo Zaplana and now the wicked environment of the accused President Francisco Camps, which still sells alleged demoscopic skills and strategies that catalogs continue perched right to power. Others sell used cars. But if the collapse of the regional administration exhibits a disastrous confusion between public and private interests in the domain of the Blasco family interests and territorial hegemony mark where ideology merges with the heritage. The dark matter of the alleged diversion of funds from your department to real estate and contracts with sinister foundations, think is inevitable in the legend of Robin Hood in reverse: divert resources from the poor to further enrich the powerful and the like. Whichever way you look, a most shameful chapter of note in the Valencian PP sacks. And all this, what would you Blasco's piggy bank to collect the day of the Mission Sunday?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Why Do Males Get Kidney Stones
What a bunch
Cultural Foundation and Social Studies (CYES) received in 2008 almost two million in government grants Camps chapter based on the major projects of cooperation. It was the first time that the Foundation received public money for development projects. In this case, supply and treat water for human consumption and food production in Nicaragua. However, the bulk of this subsidy, authorized by the Minister Rafael Blasco, addressed to the purchase of property in the city of Valencia on behalf of the Foundation that received public money, according to the administrative records of the Valencian government to have accessed the Cadena SER. The two key grants received this year by CYES are by the same amount: 833,409 euros. Both projects to Nicaragua reached only 73,500 euros.
PS: I not only bought us clothes, floors also
local DTT channels Local channels are regional stations which broadcast in the local level. This area has been determined by the Government Spain's National DTT Technical Plan, although concessions are provided by the autonomous communities.
Each regional government has decided on how to grant these concessions. In most of autonomy have booked a minimum of a signal for exploitation by the municipalities included in that district , with the exception of the Balearic and Canary Islands because they have been located on the island licenses, and the Basque Country, where municipalities should participate in the contest, along with private ones, and where finally, only the city of San Sebastian, will be licensed.
PD: In the Valencia remain unallocated none in Safor, for any reason will be, probably because it governs the PSOE and want to encourage their friends TELE7
see Official Gazette CV
If you want to keep voting for such people, go ahead ... and there is less to make you feel made ... vote for anyone, but you can not vote in this class rabble
Cultural Foundation and Social Studies (CYES) received in 2008 almost two million in government grants Camps chapter based on the major projects of cooperation. It was the first time that the Foundation received public money for development projects. In this case, supply and treat water for human consumption and food production in Nicaragua. However, the bulk of this subsidy, authorized by the Minister Rafael Blasco, addressed to the purchase of property in the city of Valencia on behalf of the Foundation that received public money, according to the administrative records of the Valencian government to have accessed the Cadena SER. The two key grants received this year by CYES are by the same amount: 833,409 euros. Both projects to Nicaragua reached only 73,500 euros.
PS: I not only bought us clothes, floors also

local DTT channels Local channels are regional stations which broadcast in the local level. This area has been determined by the Government Spain's National DTT Technical Plan, although concessions are provided by the autonomous communities.
Each regional government has decided on how to grant these concessions. In most of autonomy have booked a minimum of a signal for exploitation by the municipalities included in that district , with the exception of the Balearic and Canary Islands because they have been located on the island licenses, and the Basque Country, where municipalities should participate in the contest, along with private ones, and where finally, only the city of San Sebastian, will be licensed.
PD: In the Valencia remain unallocated none in Safor, for any reason will be, probably because it governs the PSOE and want to encourage their friends TELE7
see Official Gazette CV
If you want to keep voting for such people, go ahead ... and there is less to make you feel made ... vote for anyone, but you can not vote in this class rabble
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
When Do You Get The Bonus Pay In
mafia (Dictionary of the English language © 2005 Espasa-Calpe)
Organization employing illegal methods to achieve their goals and not let involve others in an activity.
The Government does not assign the frequencies reserved for public television because he does not feel like it has to award it necessarily a sign of a TV pirate pirate boycotting the image of public television and the Generalitat de Gandía rather than punish those who boycotted the image threatens to punish with up to 1 million euros Gandia public television, the world upside down or the world according gürtel and his henchmen.
pirate signal according to experts is issued by the repeater from which the TV emits precisely TELE7 belonging to Ulibarri (Case Gürtel) and buy "someone" under the auspices of the spokesman "unknown according to the people who answer surveys "CP and directed by that was manager of the association of the "celebrity" spokesperson was president, "white and bottle."
PS if you do not suffer as well as with the above association in four days is in bankruptcy, no problem.
Dedocracia Democracy or Democracy
: Members of a political party to democratically elect their candidates in various elections (Regional and Local) or by the primary method or by the assembly-method.
Dedocracia : Someone knows not moved because of reasons, choose a finger to who their voting Party like it or not, must vote in the upcoming elections, the latter to exercise its obligation to do what the Party commands, vote without question the character in question although they dislike and even though they themselves valued in the survey under the candidate of another party, but the commands finger and swallow.
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