Greetings from tropical latitudes to all my friends digital, this time I will show you how to re-install again the whole town cupola or the lighthouse with its screen, a group that itself is all that will call the headlight.
Time to hoist the sails.
Ingredients needed for this recipe.
As I always say, our essential hands, a touch of skill and most importantly, enjoy what they are doing, having the desire and the willingness or desire to do well, enjoy, are rescuing a classic motorcycle as it is a Honda CB 750 Four.
Well, almost none, at most a 17 mm wrench. and a Phillips screwdriver or Phillips tip # 2, see photo a.
Photo a. Combination Wrenches millimeter in this case we use a 17mm.
2-A Phillips screwdriver or Phillips tip # 2, photo b.
Parts you need.
course you need the lights turn or twist, their inner gums are two on each side an inner and outer washers and nuts, dome or helmet headlight, with two tires and the display of the lighthouse itself .. view photos c and d.
Steps to start the disassembly.
1-First found three small openings that are holding the screen of the lighthouse itself.
One of the three small holes that are located in the dome of the lighthouse, viewed from in front, at 12, 4 and 8 of a clock needle, which does not do you explain it right digital ? ...
2-Each of these small opening, is covered with a small metal ring with a cap, remember there are three and the end of this piezita is cracks that can create the plastic when tightening the screw.
3-We placed each of the metal rings, remember there are three, if we imagine that the front of the dome is a clock, then go one at 12 and the other two are located at 4 and 8 respectively, hope to understand the analogy ....
4-Then if you look, there are two large openings on the sides, we will post the two largest rings in them, which are to the left and right side of the dome of the lighthouse ...
5-One of the large rings of metal and put in place.
6-After completion it will appreciate in the back of the dome an oval opening, it is intended to allow the passage of the cables that come from all electrical installation.
7-Part of the electrical system that is located inside the dome of the lighthouse.
8-The ideal and easier to do, is to disconnect completely every couple of cables in this section, to facilitate the entry of each cable through the rear opening the dome, but all very Justito stay moving and may end up tearing a cable or scratching something ...
9-Go carefully inserting each wire installation inside the rear opening of the dome, patience and detail here, if you are desperate, they will sin ...
10 - A measure partially inserted into the dome cables can be approached the same to the anchorage zone as a IRLA aligning and preparing for final adjustment, but before I became a mess here, but with patience and dignity of Tibetan monk meditation partially achieve Buddhahood,: -) ...
11-Must have at hand the two rubber bands that go round between the edge of the dome and the inside of each base, this is to prevent ugly scratches and of course, I suppose minimize vibration ...
12-Be very careful in this part, again a good Zen meditation will help invaluable, if not despair or that day woke up with the pulse of an epileptic then flee from here, are cautious, slow, gentle riding this part, the ideal is that the rubber is between the two pieces aligned with respect to the two holes ...
13-After the submission of leadership with respect to their bases, will only align with the side openings here half held in precarious balance by the holy trinity ...
14-really what holds the whole together are the foundation for crossing or turning lights, each carry a pressure washer, plus a flat and a Non-rubber grate the base, the latter an invention of mine, as they originally did not carry, but meditating on heights, Buddha enlightened me and said, 'Son, if you put a rubber band will prevent the devil from scratches that destroys everything ... wise words.)
15-We put for each crossing, pressure washer, then flat ....
16-And my invention Tibetan gum shaped mini donut.
17-Then pass the cable through the opening of each base ...
18-For purposes of appreciating it, the wire from each light must pass through two openings simultaneously, one is at the base and the other is the dome.
Once they have registered or submitted each beacon of rotation, it is definitely time to adjust to this, we nut comes with its ground wire (green) attached, this piece originally came well and are part of each junction, it comes with a rubber coating to prevent damage to the dome ...
20-The pass through between the positive lead coming from each lighthouse ...
21-Y and the end is a nut then, to mount it, just go turning each light until they feel they reach their peak.
22-way must wear either crossing or turning lights, make sure that both are at the same level and if necessary finish to carefully tighten with a 17mm wrench. however, what about this little messy cables all? ...
23 - ... so easy, there are no loss, each color with its color, ie black to black, green to green and so on until the end of time ...
24-Then it's time to find the headlight screen ...
25-to connect the appropriate connector which feeds to high light and low-long-short ...
26-Then we can insert very carefully and taking into account that we must align the internal holes that hold the screen with openings of the dome.
27-Once the screen has been properly positioned proceed to final settlement for the three screws so we stretch marks ...
28-We put the only three that is shorter at the top, let's say 12 o'clock, which is not sand ...
29-Then put the screw next to the 4 o'clock, which is no sun ...
30 -... continue with the 8 o'clock.
31-After the previous step is no other than to tighten each screw with a Phillips screwdriver or Phillips tip # 2., See the penultimate three photos.
"The end result?.
Well should be something more or less how are you last five photos.
profile base and lighthouse.
¾ Lighthouse Takes with dipped headlights or turn.
¾ Another shot. Which is well appreciated all the work done
making front, the CB750 taking shape.
Zoom in on the front of the Geisha, "beautiful or not?
As I always say, has been a pleasure to share with you this part of the recovery of my geishita, I hope it has been his total pleasure and will be helpful , see you soon.