Hi all, as you know, some time ago I told them how to remove the rear rubber ring, this time we will do the same with the front wheel, no doubt a very enjoyable and entertaining trabajadito of do.
It's time to enter the poliburó.
Ingredients needed for this recipe.
In principle, hands and a few tools, see picture a and b. Photo
a. "As we have tools, a hammer, a screwdriver or flat blade and special herramientilla rays out of the ring, oh yes and take T 12mm.

Photo b. 12 mm T-Wrench.

Steps to start the disassembly.
1 - First pinpoint the victim to attack.
The front wheel, moments before being completely disarmed.

2-To start, we flattened by means of a screwdriver, the safety plates that prevent the nuts in the middle of driving is going to come out.

3-The process to get these plates is not very complicated, just a good aim plus a sharp blow with the hammer, that the bow allowing the nut to rotate when desired removal, there are six, one for each nut.

4-Here we see the six nuts to the plates and bent.

Through 5-T 12mm wrench, removing the six nuts going to remove the disc brakes.

6-second sample with one of the six nuts and removed.

all nuts, we can remove the three decks.

8-way up the plates look proud in my hand.

9-Well, now is the time to remove the disc brake front, try not to hit him.

10-On the other hand, we can remove the six bolts that held the disc brakes, just retírenlos hand.

11-A, while removing the bolts go, you have to remove the small circular plate that drives the odometer mechanism.

12-It's time to put the aron front, in a comfortable and appropriate for work, I place an old shaft in the press, so I can turn gracefully while I disarming.

13-We removed the rubber from the gut or in the bedroom, it is clear years of oxide deposited on the inside.

14-It's time to use the secret weapon with which to wipe out the rays of the ring.

15-This is a tool specifically designed to be loosened each nipple of each ray.

16-Here, we see one of the nipples semi loose.

17-Once you have been well loosened, then remove one of the 40 nipples with his hand.

18-stumped the nipple can withdraw one ray ...

19-And another ...

20-way, until they go leaving a few stragglers ...

21-The completely withdraw all and have this result, a front flange completely disarmed, ready for chrome plating.

As I always say, I hope there was of his total pleasure, and now I have to send to chrome on both rings and then explain how it is reset each a big hug from the Sultana del Avila.
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