Hello to all my loyal fans, here I am with you all again to battle and keep working hard in the process of restoring my dear Geishita, on the other hand, do not know if you remember that they owed surprise as they had been armed and wheels, well, well, the wait has not been in vain and given their deserved fruits, not to make this chapter very tedious explanation or story about it, I avocaré to photos speak for themselves as they are very eloquent, I hope you enjoy.
Their imperial majesties
majestic poses, showing pride and noble their best profiles.

Rhine front flange without the disc brake installed, side view.

Rhine or rear hoop drum and portabandas installed, side view.

Aerial view prior to the bombing of the rear wheel or hoop drum and carrier, and armed gangs.

Aerial view prior to the bombing of the primary endpoint, we see the front wheel or rim, no disc brake mounted.

There is not much to say, right?, both rings or wheels of the CB750 Four fully restored both aerial view, ready to mount the tires, rubber, tires or wheels.

Well, so far has been all in due time I will show you more things, how it is becoming the Geisha, a big hug to everyone from Caracas, Venezuela.
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