Dismantling rear rubber.
Hi all, here I am back on the ball, taking a small step toward more geishita recovery, this is another interesting issue, in my case particular, I found it necessary to change the rubber, rubber, tire, tire cover, or as you call him at home, since it accused cracking Severe side and a lot of wear in the tread, in short, was not at all wise or safe to move with the time bomb, crazy.
is time to enter the ring.
Note: I opted to perform this procedure in the manual way, I did so, and I think it's a way to feel live near each procedure to give, not if I understand, on the other hand, if you do not have the knowledge and experience to do this, the strength in your arms, (as they need certain muscle skills, but there are steps that are more tricks that forces prevail there are others where only muscle power) and do not like sweaty, do not try, for that there are sites with specialized machines that will make this tedious task a lot more comfortable and friendly.
Ingredients needed for this recipe
In principle, hands and some muscle because I did it the manual way.
1-Two special bar to remove rubber from the wheels, pictured a.
2-Extractor inflation valve, see photo b.
llavesita 10mm 3-A, see photo c.
4-A large rubber hammer, pictured d.
Photo a. The special bar, an essential tool if you remove a rubber wheel.
Exhaust valve inflated.
Photo c. Typical 10mm wrench.
d. Rubber Mallet.
Step 1.
To start I'll tell you the secret Templar of the alliance, we get all the air to the tire, if they do not Attila, Conan and Samson together you can remove it, to do this, remove the protective cap that goes into the inflation valve. Here in Venezuela we say "bug", see photo # 1.1. Then, we remove the special herramientita domestic inflation valve and with it began to unscrew it, see photos # 1.2 and # 1.3, after unscrewing the valve be domestic inflation, feel the air start to come with some force casting their signature whistle, this is finished, completely remuévanla as shown by the arrow Red Photo # 1.4.
Photo # 1.1.-Removing the cap that covers the inflation valve.
Photo # 1.2.-tool to remove the internal inflation valve.
Photo # 1.3.-unscrewing the valve core inflation, exactly when the air pressure escape seek free, its rubber prison.
Photo # 1.4.-The valve core inflation to be removed, see red arrow.
Once the shell has been removed, store it in a safe place for later installation, see red oval photo # 1.5.
Photo # 1.5.-party component which operates the internal valve inflated.
next thing to do is loosen and remove the nut completely given cylinder subject to inflation, for it placed the small nut 10mm shown in picture # 1.6.
Photo # 1.6.-The nut that holds the cylinder inflation.
Using a 10mm wrench remove the nut 10mm, see photos # 1.7 and # 1.87.
Photo # 1.7.-Removing the 10mm nut.
Photo # 1.8 .- The tuerquita outside, store it in a safe place and remember after ..
Step 2.
A little secret is fully fitted with both feet and start jumping around the edge of rubber, rubber, tire etc ... with this achieve two things: first, take off the rubber inner flange that attaches to edge of rim with a enormous pressure and the second end to empty all the air left in the gut or bedroom. see photo # 2.1.
Photo # 2.1.-mounted and bouncing off the rubber to the inner flange and finish removing all the air, jump, jump.
Once we feel that the tab has been taken off our ordeal we can start to do this we need the help of rubber tapper bars, simple two invaluable tools are the only viable way to separate manually gum rubber, if you look carefully, in the rubber trees where they have special machines to separate the rubber, the rubber tapper will use a very similar also to help and that you have the machine, see photos # 2.2 and 2.3.
Photo # 2.2.-A rubber tapper bars, which will help us the divorce between the rubber and the rim or hoop,
Photo # 2.3.-The other bar to tapper differently.
To begin, I helped a little with my weight down a bit deflated rubber on the rim, thus create a small space where I can insert the first bar, which has a softer tip edge, see photo # 2.4.
Photo # Using the 2.4-foot, am looking for a breakthrough weight where easily insert the bar.
Then insert the other leg, to begin the process of lever pressing in these early stages of the procedure, it is natural to feel some resistance from the rubber, at first provide a lot of trouble, we do not make life easy I assure you, this will need to use a balance between strength and gentleness (cunning as they say), but ultimately if it is essential to have the experience to do this, since it Otherwise they will scratch around the hoop and can bite the gut or inner chamber spoiling, losing illusions, joy time and money, do you I know many damaging to learn how to do this?, and I do not remember.
Warning: again if they are not experts or do not have a good breakfast will better than this to bring the rubber tapper know what to do and also has specialized equipment This saves time, money, sweat, moods and cramps.
The goal here is to completely remove entire edge of the rim flange, as shown in picture # 2.5.
Photo # 2.5.-Top rubber separation with respect to the basket.
We continued slowly pry going out as we move the tab on the rim of basket, see photos # 2.6 and 2.7.
Photo # 2.6-Piano piano if arriva lontano , because there are, we are getting a divorce between the parties.
Photo # 2.7-The red and green arrows clearly show how releasing the tab will ring you submit.
and on and on, slowly advancing and spreading, see photos # 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11.
Photo # 2.8-Slow progress, but sure, that if streams of sweat present everywhere.
Come, come, cheer, not all that bad, at first it is normal that the rubber of many battles and we get very stubborn, but as we will beating, it gets looser and is the sweetest thing, that if in the meantime efforts and sweatshirt, you should stop, to get some air and drink a cold beer (chilled to my English friends), if they do that "spirit" sacred intake, I fear that the gods of the barley will give back, and have the sub judice rule, followed.
Photo # 2.9.-Insert and leverage, and leverage inserts, inserts ... grasshopper.
Photo # 2.10.-and on and on, we, as advertising the famous battery bunny , and going and going and going .
Photo # 2.11 - Well and so on until the end of time, until you exit all this tab.
aha, eureka, feel a PLOP! and see with amazement as they have finally separated the first part of the tab, at this term, they must remove the casing or bedroom with care, see picture # 2.12.
Photo # 2.12.-Extracting the gut or the chamber, inside the ring.
Okay, now we will get everything finished, so we turn to pry as shown in Photo # 2.13, against in respect of rubber in this procedure only brute force prevails.
Photo # 2.13. - rubber by levering against it, to finish away from the hoop.
Taking the shot and leverage rubber, makes an appearance Thor with his hammer, for nothing, to Conan, a give him blows on one side and the other until it is completely removed, see picture # 3.1.
Photo # 3.1.-A bump here and another there will be separate everything with ease.
What is the final result?, Something like the one seen in the last photo, if different to this, I'm sure or tired or something went wrong.
Photo # 3.2.-The rubber ring divorced, without a doubt was a difficult issue in the courts.
As I always say, has been a pleasure to share with you this part of the restoration, now I'll rest a bit, I think I deserve it or not?, In the next installment I'll talk about how disarms the ring beam by beam, I assure you it's a fun story.
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