Thinking that many do not know how to operate the system to recharge the bikes, took the initiative to start by explaining the definitions and concepts, explaining his theory of operation and mitigate some legends about it.
The recharging system of the motorcycle, part I.
The charging system of a motorcycle, intended to generate, regulate, correct and recharge the battery of a motorcycle, as well as the equally despicable task of providing all the electricity to other electrical / electronic components, requiring the motorcycle to work correctly, found primarily in the charging system the following components:
1-Generator, types and differences.
2-regulator-rectifier module.
is the device that is responsible per se, to produce or generate all the electricity that will require the motorcycle for proper operation, this device works by converting the kinetic energy Crankshaft (Movement) in power, this is clearly seen in the first statement of the law of conservation of energy and first law of thermodynamics, but not dwell on these issues so profound.
Types of generators:
Motorcycles can bring two types of generators very well differentiated, these are the dynamos and alternators, the former being very common and were employees in the first motorcycles say that until the mid the late 70's or so, but with the rapid evolution of the bikes but the electrical systems with consumption requirements increasingly high began to appear alternators, they are increasingly used in modern motorcycles to the point that today, I dare say that almost no bikes with generators, below I put some pictures of different types of generators.
Some photos of different types of generators used on motorcycles.
Dinamo old Bosch.
a dynamo Sample Harley & Davidson.
Much more modern alternative to a Honda CG125, it is clear the fly wheel and the stator.
modern picture of a stator of an alternator type generator.
Other types of stators, as you will see there are many different designs.
The recharging system of the motorcycle, part I.
The charging system of a motorcycle, intended to generate, regulate, correct and recharge the battery of a motorcycle, as well as the equally despicable task of providing all the electricity to other electrical / electronic components, requiring the motorcycle to work correctly, found primarily in the charging system the following components:
1-Generator, types and differences.
2-regulator-rectifier module.
is the device that is responsible per se, to produce or generate all the electricity that will require the motorcycle for proper operation, this device works by converting the kinetic energy Crankshaft (Movement) in power, this is clearly seen in the first statement of the law of conservation of energy and first law of thermodynamics, but not dwell on these issues so profound.
Types of generators:
Motorcycles can bring two types of generators very well differentiated, these are the dynamos and alternators, the former being very common and were employees in the first motorcycles say that until the mid the late 70's or so, but with the rapid evolution of the bikes but the electrical systems with consumption requirements increasingly high began to appear alternators, they are increasingly used in modern motorcycles to the point that today, I dare say that almost no bikes with generators, below I put some pictures of different types of generators.
Some photos of different types of generators used on motorcycles.
Dinamo old Bosch.

a dynamo Sample Harley & Davidson.
Much more modern alternative to a Honda CG125, it is clear the fly wheel and the stator.

modern picture of a stator of an alternator type generator.

Other types of stators, as you will see there are many different designs.

Why the alternator moved to Dynamo? The dynamo was widely used in the first motorcycles to about the mid-60's, being replaced by the alternator, since the discovery and improvements to the bridge rectifier, it became obvious that the performance of the latter was very higher than its oldest couple, the reasons are not hard to find, the main one is that the dynamo is quite inefficient to generate electricity at low speeds and if we add that, thanks to population growth, traffic currently presenting our cities has increased exponentially, can be given an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat would happen to the battery. Another weight variable that should be taken into account, is the inability of the alternator to keep up with electricity generation efficiency of the increasingly complex "voracious consumer" of our motorcycles electrical current is not the same requirements consumption of a Triumph Speed \u200b\u200bTwin 1937 to a 2004 Honda Goldwing with all its toys down pericuetos and amps. Differences between generator and alternator. 1-The dynamo generates electricity on the type DC (direct) and type alternator makes AC (alternating current). 2-A dynamo can generate mechanical energy consuming electricity, ie, as opposed to generating electricity, making it a reversible device that can act as both an electric motor generator, when the device is used both ways Dinamotor called, an alternator is not reversible, only designed to generate electricity. low speed 3-A has a generator to induce electricity underperforming , for example, at idle or heavy traffic conditions as those found in our crowded cities, there undoubtedly problems with charging the battery, an alternator does not have this problem at low revs as it is much more efficient and generally has a higher performance at any rpm, you can even change "on the road" self-induced electromagnetic field ( in those specially designed for this) to improve its excellence in each and every time you need. 4-A dynamo does not need rectifying current induced since it is of the DC, an alternator if you need to rectify AC current to DC so you can recharge the battery, both devices use regulators. 5-The alternative is more expensive to produce versus a dynamo, but the former is more durable and almost requires no maintenance, the alternator requires more maintenance and the life of your components like the brushes, commutator, brushes, wear a rates higher. 6-weight x power comparable to an alternator of 4 Kg. be more powerful than a dynamo of 6 Kg. hope you like and find it useful, so this part, the next I'll talk about the regulators and rectifiers. |
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