Isis again today to mourn again, but not only by the death of Osiris that occurs cyclically but because of what happened today in Cairo . During these days, Egypt is going through a turbulent, with a population determined to end a dictatorship and for democracy that places an Islamist party, or layperson to lead democratically the fate of the nation, that is a matter for them and if they fight for their rights later. I do not understand is why there have been people who have entered in the Cairo Museum to do damage, and even looting.
Among the objects found are literally butchered some mummies, so I say that Isis cries more than ever today the death of Osiris as each person who has been mummified by the Egyptian ritual is a new Osiris reborn in the beyond by virtue of their good deeds. Like all figures interpertar is often raised as a sign of the blossoming of nature again in the spring, ie eternity. I put it in context: Osiris
was a legendary king who civilized and made to thrive in Egypt. Legend has it that Seth, his brother, killed Osiris by treachery to the throne of the country. Isis death cries inconsolably despite knowing that it is able to resurrect it. Through her son Anubis embalmed the body of Osiris. Once this is done Isis miraculously becomes pregnant by her husband, giving birth to Horus to be able to avenge his father. Isis through her magic finally gets resurrected Osiris, who will reign as a god in the realm of the dead, the West, while his son Horus reign in Egypt.
I do not know if they were police dressed as civilians to show the world a face of the demonstrators, or if they were Islamists preserve any radical anti-Christian pagan symbol of the country, so before the arrival of the Arabs during the seventh century AD The truth is that it is unfortunate and very sad because the people who do not know their history are doomed not only to repeat the same mistakes, but simply do not know, do not know who he is. Not having a minimum on our past, is the same as if each of us do not know who your family, or completely unaware of his childhood and adolescence.
Yes, Isis cries, but then people who have voluntarily watched motu proprio the museum to the most important rooms were not looted by at least one comforting him. I hope it's true the legend that attributed to a curse that fell on Howard Carter and his team after finding the tomb of Amon-Tuntank their sudden and violent deaths. That Apophis, Seth, Nephthys, and especially Ammit tear you in pieces in the afterlife so bastards, Osiris will not have mercy on you.