Thursday, January 27, 2011
How Much Are Drinks On The Princess Cruise Lines

Good, the truth is that my last post are still quite ashen, but I guess the thing and will improve with time. Come here goes another post ash as you have gathered under the photo.
Having seen, in my view, the crisis is offering on a plate to Madrid the excuse to undo, or decaffeinated, which had no obliged to do under the pressure of Basques and Catalans, and to a lesser extent on us, Galician: The Regional State. A word that people here feel happy in Madrid called recentralization ie charged the state of autonomies, the dream of every good Castilian, of Castile lifetime and the Channel, or Madrid, more so although in other regions, the communities in their vocabulary word is banned, there are also lesser extent. Although in truth, the PP president Leon Castilian has decoupled itself from this centralization.
The situation is this, a few months ago the government requested that the savings be merged according to certain criteria. Well, you have merged so that mergers have been inter-regional, inter-regional forgiveness, leaving some communities without its own box, and therefore economically disempowered.
Well, it turns out that a few weeks ago the government has raised its demands dramatically. That is, what was once great now is really bad, very bad. The boxes that do not meet these objectives will have to find capital, that is privatized, ie cease to be public. In fact part of one of the largest savings banks, La Caixa, has announced that it will become
bank ...From this point of view in Galicia are going to run out of savings, and the truth is that we face is stupid because they did everything they order from Madrid, and now after meeting tell us that it ... The sad thing is that if Caixa Galicia and Caixa Nova exist separately, could accomplish the objectives calls Madrid. Too bad smell that right? The best scenario would be a bank with capital of Galicia, but would not be the same as a box.
is very sad that a government that says the left, to fold before the market so that would be privatized as the right. A guy who lurches every bit, and has lost credibility even among his people, primarily the citizen does not. The only thing that saves him, is that you have in front of a guy with very little charisma, and can barely contain the discordant voices of his party, and is tied for the most recalcitrant right that may exist. It is very sad too that while the big mouth is tearing their hair socialists when Aznar said it should be charged to the autonomous regions, with small mouth say that you should adjust the autonomic system, is castrated.
Let us not come with gibberish on autonomy because the powers are not as extensive as it seems, and even over just to show that these deficits is not nearly as exaggerated as release from Madrid without offering specifics. An example, the health system: why take chest English politicians with our system if all the autonomies have competence in that subject, why mess right? Because there is no such free will, except taxes Basque-Navarre, provided no control from Madrid. In fact no autonomy has all the powers provided for your status.
is also assumed that these thirty years of democracy have been the best years of contemporary Spain, but in the end all illusion, all a mess, and countries throughout the world have wanted to copy our system does ... Putos demagogues.
Hala, I've quedao quiet.
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