Can you leave the Crisis? Trash Radio
In this "our country" have a serious sense, it is clear we are in crisis, but nobody wants to do anything to resolve the dispute, employers continue to get their maximum benefits and the only idea they can think of is to lower the dismissal and deregulate the most of the contracts, workers do not want to delay their retirement age or freeze them wages, the banks want to lend money and want to continue delivering their bonuses to their executives as if such a thing, political parties are each to his ball, about cutting the welfare state, the other opposing everything even what they would govern if we do not want oil drilling, do not want nuclear power plants, but also we want to rise the price of electricity, ultimately we are against all and everyone, we do not want to raise taxes but if we AVE and Highways free, we do not pay taxes but we want good parking and infrastructure, and meanwhile the country in crisis, the crisis certainly deserve the kind of people we are in Overall, I know this might seem like someone and you feel bad that goes with it, as in any pay for the sins and good ones there, everywhere but surely there are more bad than good.
Three reasons not to end the crisis in other countries.
1 - We have the worst politicians in Europe, unable to agree or to save the country from bankruptcy, unthinkable in any so-called civilized country, this can only happen in Spain, because here what is going wrong is that rules governing access to, the worse the better, the problem is that what happened govern this is a site that is worth nothing.
2 - We have the worst business class in Europe, unable to sacrifice some of their profits to keep some jobs and work to take forward the country, an entrepreneurial class who puts their high-end cars, their boats, their houses and travel before the job of a laborer.
3 - We have the worst working class of Europe, the policy of minimal effort, if I can 6 hours work better than 8, if I can I catch a low, if I can I look for an excuse not to go, ultimately producing a low and if it can be the best price.
And if someone in one of the 3 sectors, it is believed that is not reflected, congratulations and excuse me, is the exception that proves the rule, and I say, you and I know people in the three groups would not be included, but unfortunately are the least.
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