Today Saturday, but I feel that this will make it's Friday but hey, out through the online store the band's new album the group's most important recent twenty years, Radiohead. Okay, some will not agree with the last thing I said but I think it is the quorum group that meets in this respect I can not be objective, is one of those groups that has marked a profound way and part of his personal soundtrack (god I put bows.) The cover is a marvel, to be honest few covers of his albums tend to like, but in the end what matters is inside:)
Obviously I've heard, but do not worry Mr. York, Greenwood brothers and company, when in May is in stores I'll buy it, because frankly from Kid "Unless you have given a twist to your sound, and I personally thank you for what you have done.
In principle there is no How to Disappear Completely, No Surprises, Nice Dream, Idioteque, Lurgee ... but time to time, his records won to hear, and this and I liked the bat ...
Well, here are two videos, one is the first single with Thom Yorke as an actor, dancing or doing the Mongolian and whichever you prefer ...
and another in the same music that is more in line with the original video. Everyone likes.
Editorial: God, another parody now to Benny Hill, this
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