Although there are good intentions and some good times Rite, the overall result is a slow and pretentious film that aims to soberly assess the validity of the demonic possession and the attitude of the Church (with a capital) compared to that phenomenon. Unfortunately Rite does not work either as a horror film or as a questionable situation analysis, and less when compared to films that have done better, as The Exorcism of Emily Rose .
Well ... Here's why. The protagonist is aspiring priest Michael Kovak (Colin O'Donoghue), who is about to abandon the novitiate in the city of Chicago until his superior understanding suggests taking a course of exorcism in Rome, as more and more cases of demonic possession in the world and we need people ready to save the lives and souls of the victims. Michael accepts with little conviction and, as might be expected, the "school of exorcism" only increases doubts about the existence of God and the Devil. Then assigned the task of helping the veteran Father Lucas Trevant (Anthony Hopkins), and that's when Michael begins to have contact with victims "real" satanic possession, which slowly erodes disbelief the young priest ... and prepares for the biggest challenge to be overcome.

I admire the intention of the director Mikael Håfström and screenwriter Michael Petroni (based on a book by Matt Baglio ) to present a balanced view of demonic possession and exorcism. But ultimately its mission to "scare" prevails, and unfortunately can not find the proper angle to do so. Then they must lie in the typical sub-genre cliches as the obligatory evil child, the woman screaming curses and contorts his body, the priest with a crisis of faith he sees "signs everywhere, the possessed who know even the most intimate secrets of the exorcists ... "All this sound familiar? The worst thing is that when Rite be taken too seriously ends up falling into unintentional humor, which takes away even more credibility to their "real facts" (the satanic mule is priceless, I hope to become a cult figure with hundreds of remix on YouTube).

After doing a couple of mediocre horror films in Sweden (as Strandvaskaren ), director Mikael Håfström was seduced by Hollywood and ended up making mediocre horror movies, although most famous actors. For Rite the main attraction is undoubtedly Anthony Hopkins, whose performance is not necessarily "good", but enthusiastic and expressive, taking advantage of some good dialogue and generating gravity, which usually have their characters, what deserved or not. Pity that the final loss of control, although not his fault, but the script betrays him with a surprise twist which aims to complete the development of his young colleague. By the way, I must say that Colin O'Donoghue has a good performance in this thankless role, as it seemed credible evolution through the work of actor and "clues" that are revealed about his past and the origin of his crisis of faith. It will sound like heresy, but I feel that the presence of Hopkins came out on, because the most interesting story dull the young priest. If the script had not tried to do, "Merrin and Karras: Researchers", perhaps Rite serve better as a supernatural drama "instead of engaging both as a horror film. Oh, and what a waste of the great Rutger Hauer !

Anyway ... for whatever reason, it seems that movies about exorcism and demons are proliferating, so surely we can expect more rehashes of these tired clichés. Some are better than others, but at least Rite showed that fame and talent of the actors is not the determining factor of quality. However, I insist that the mule has the potential satanic, hopefully have a good agent.
Rating: 6
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