downplayed the fact of not having permits to fly. "Some people say we're crazy about to inaugurate an airport without planes, have not understood anything. During a month and half any citizen who wishes may visit this terminal or walk down the runway, something they could not do if they were to take off or aircraft landing, "he argued.
If it were not for these stupid things we pay all our taxes, they do not, they take them, what a bunch of crooks and nobody does anything, and presented a paper showing the corruPPcion, in that a judge immediately .. .. said one day as the mayor of Jerez .... .. for that
If it were not for these stupid things we pay all our taxes, they do not, they take them, what a bunch of crooks and nobody does anything, and presented a paper showing the corruPPcion, in that a judge immediately .. .. said one day as the mayor of Jerez .... .. for that