will recall (?) The first SWAT divided his history into two parts, the first covered the training of officers who aspire to work in the Division of Special Weapons and Tactics and in the second half saw them facing a dangerous mission. SWAT: Firefight gives a twist to that structure wise, keeping the concept of "fish out of water" without wasting time on the tedious training of novices. The protagonist is Paul Cutler (Gabriel Macht), star of the division officer in Los Angeles SWAT and negotiation expert who has never lost a hostage. So the government is assigned as an advisor and coach in Detroit SWAT division, which wishes to obtain official certification of Homeland Security and Response to Terrorism. Cutler grudgingly accepts the position, and since then his disciples in Detroit resent the newcomer, but as they participate together in real operational and tough workouts, begin to respect each other ... which will be essential to survive the attacks of Walter Hatch (Robert Patrick), an enigmatic villain with government connections Paul seeks revenge for the accidental death of a woman.

As I said, the argument SWAT: Firefight is not very original, and I think works best as a crime drama that such action flick. For starters, I liked the relationship that develops between Cutler and the officers of Detroit. The actors have good chemistry and make a believable friendship forged from years of high risk and mutual trust in their abilities. The script kept to a minimum internal conflicts based on discipline or sexist attitudes (well, with one or two exceptions). In other words, the film depicts the police as spoiled children with high-powered weapons, not as invincible superhero, but as responsible adults (perhaps a little arrogant) who understand the danger they face every day, and the responsibility with citizens. Come on, even the occasional romantic scenes are handled with subtlety, even if its only function is to establish a "damsel in distress" to add suspense to the end of the tape.

Which brings me to the best of SWAT: Firefight : the villain. Robert Patrick gives one of his classic honest and credible actions to partially offset the superficiality with which his character is written. And certainly appreciate your gray morality, it is not a maniac trying to conquer the world, but a man with a mysterious past who only seeks to avenge the death of a loved one. Of course this does not justify their violent actions, but gives a motivation less arbitrary than the megalomania that makes it so boring to the usual villains of film B. Finally, I can not fail to mention the beautiful Kristanna Loken , whose appearance is too short, just enough to share a scene with Patrick. It is noted that there is great potential in this meeting of "Terminators" sorry that the story takes a different path.

Robert Patrick Although the film is stolen, I must give credit to Gabriel Macht for his strong performance as the protagonist. The truth is I never swallowed to this actor in other films (as Love and Other Drugs and Whiteout), perhaps because of the bad impression left me The Spirit , but in SWAT: Firefight reminded me a kind of "lite Aaron Eckhart, whose strength is not in their physical prowess, but humanity in his character printing. And as regards the management, I can not deny that I enjoyed the scenes inspired by video games first person (or "first person shooter" ). It is certainly a cheap trick to add visual and visceral impact frantic, but I liked the art moderate and occasional use as an adornment that puts us "in the eyes" of police officers during a dangerous operation. Finally I must point out (as usual) that all these virtues and praise should be taken in the context of B movies straight to DVD, so SWAT Firefight is not really a good movie, rather it is as a competent episode or NCIS Flashpoint (the only set of that style that I like). As such, used to spend time entertaining and utterly disposable, fed by low expectations and surprise to find a sequel with enough courage to deviate from the norm and find his own voice. Even if you do not have much to say.
Rating: 7
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