The number 'four' referred to the title is the young John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), one of nine extraterrestrial planet Lorien that are hidden in the earth to escape the threat of mogadorianos, a race of murderers interplanetary not rest until they kill their enemies and conquer our planet (or something). For reasons not understood (or explained), the villains must kill their victims in the correct order, and the beginning of the film we see how to exterminate the number 3. When they hear that, John and Henri Guardian (Timothy Olyphant) decide to change their identities and move to a small town, where, theoretically, be safe from mogadorianos. At first his plan appears to work, and even John admitted to the local school where he meets Sarah (Dianna Agron), who begins to fall. But when someone young video capture using their powers and puts it on the Internet, mogadorianos know exactly where to strike ...

Translation: the handsome and mysterious young woman with a secret crush on the normal intelligent and artistic girl. And while the whole universe to oppose the relationship, their love is so strong and pure (and chaste, of course) that transcends any obstacle. Or so it seems at first. I admit that does not end as I expected, but that does not stop I scroll Number Four spot well known, in the fantastic as in youthful romance. And I'm not against it, the director DJ Caruso has made films and little hollow original, but quite dynamic and entertaining , which gave me hope that his new film would be salvageable items. Unfortunately very little work (for me) in I Number Four, because I could not interest me or the characters or the forced romance, much less in the horribly hackneyed science fiction concepts with which it intends decorate your tired narrative.

For starters ... "Mogadorianos? "That was the best name that occurred to the author" Pittacus Lore "(actually a pseudonym of Jobie Hughes and James Frey) to the villains of the novel in which this film is based? Sure, the name itself is not important, but it is a good example of the level of creativity that holds the entire movie. The heroes are handsome young men who seem models, the villains are bald and pale, with teeth of a piranha, and suffer the syndrome of "talkative villain, revealing his plans or talking more when they could easily wipe out the heroes. The "powers" of "Loriano" (?) Are sufficiently ambiguous to create artificial suspense and to fill the huge gaps of history. But yes, his expression always includes elaborate special effects to distract from the horrible script. Speaking of which, I wonder about the motivation of mogadorianos, or its relationship with the planet Lorien ... I assume that all these "details" will be explained in future sequels (either literary or film), but a little more contextual support might have helped me care more about the fate of the characters.

To be fair, I think the movie gets a little better over the last twenty minutes, when he finally enters the picture ("spoiler?'m Not even sure) the alien number 6, played by Teresa Palmer (with the powers of Nightcrawler), whose energy performance injecting some life into the tedious "final battle" on a football field. In fact, I think the whole band would have been much more entertaining with Palmer as the star, rather than the bland couple Pettyfer and Agron. But ... maybe give him a place in the hypothetical consequences. Meanwhile, I'm undecided about Number Four. As a fan of science fiction seemed bland and repetitive, however, the Twilight public might find refreshing references interplanetary battles with rays of light, energy weapons and aliens beagles ... not to mention the new beau Alex Pettyfer , trying to steal fans of Robert Pattinson. Dianna Agron is certainly attractive, and I appreciate that you can talk without ... the ... irritating ... pauses ... Kristen Stewart. And I can not deny that I identified a little (very little) with the "sidekick" Sam (Callan McAuliffe ), obsessed with paranormal themes. Thus, although the combination of all these elements I usually have seemed boring and very forgettable, may have positive aspects which can satisfy the audience in search of junk food film, well served but lacking flavor. After all, the only thing that brings the movie (IMHO) is the fear of future encroachment of fantasy that will surely see in upcoming youth romances. I'm sure at some stylish Hollywood office someone is saying, "It's like Twilight, but with zombies and sharks."
Rating: 6
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