As befits the second part of the trilogy
"Millennium" (the name of a fictional magazine Swedish economic and political analysis), the plot of
The Girl Who Played With Fire revolves around a story on sex trafficking of Russian and Asian women, which may be involved Some prominent members of the Swedish state. But when the young Dag Svensson (Hans-Christian Thulin) is brutally murdered while investigating the case, the dogged journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Michael Nyqvist) realizes that someone is trying to silence the news. And worse, the prime suspect of the murder is Lisbeth Salander (Noomi Rapace), who months ago saved the life of Mikael before fleeing the country. And the tenacious director of Millennium magazine was given the task of investigating the death of its reporter, not only to find the culprits, but to exonerate Salander. But ... Are we sure that the volatile woman is actually innocent?
Perhaps the central mystery of
The Girl Who Played With Fire is more predictable and conventional than the melancholy and tense premise
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo , but that does not rule out a solid film own right. Having said that, I think it definitely should have seen the first film before tackling the sequel, not only to appreciate the aforementioned dynamics between Mikael and Lisbeth, but to understand the motivation of characters who at times act against all common sense. On the other hand, the sequel to fulfill its mission of enriching the narrative by introducing new characters and revelations enough to win the title "resume" without losing sight of the issues stated above. I do not talk much, but we trust that "men who hate women" remain an important point in the pessimistic view of humanity that suggests the late Stieg Larsson
Anyway the important thing for me was the chance to spend another time with these fascinating people ... I suspect that some viewers think that the "time" was too long.
The Girl Who Played With Fire kept me constantly interested in his argument, but I can not deny that his methodical pace emulates the parsimony of the first film, conducting his investigation without unnecessary melodrama or clichés
forced by a "focus group" . Of course there are fights and car chases, but never feel free or exaggerated to meet business requirements. They are simply an integral part of the argument, and are designed with the same realism and naturalness that contributed to the international success of the novels
that inspired these films. Then serve as a warning to those who expect an action movie recipe cooked with Hollywood, because what is a phlegmatic find flavored thriller "old school" European
As actors, it goes without saying that
Noomi Rapace and Michael Nyqvist continue giving life to the rare perfect duo of amateur researchers. Fortunately this time the story focuses more time supporting cast, where we meet Lena Endre as Berger, editor of Millennium and occasional romantic partner Mikael, Per Oscarsson in the role of an old friend of Lisbeth with a big secret about the past of the young, and since then Mikael Spreitz as an imposing villain, even more threatening by his impassive face. On the negative side I would say that the argument is based on coincidences again hard to swallow; there are also some inconsistent and perhaps illogical scenes (would not it have been simpler to kill certain characters when there was an opportunity, rather than risk escape?) and at least one instance of "talkative villain, always helpful to tie up loose ends history. Oh, and it disappointed me a little abrupt end, but I hope that will be resolved satisfactorily in
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest , the final movie of the trilogy. In short, I can recommend The Girl Who
Played With Fire as a sophisticated and entertaining thriller, taking into account that this entails evaluation as the centerpiece of a fascinating puzzle still unsolved. Also, do not want to create the impression that hatred Lisbeth Salander, because the consequences seem to be always fatal ...
Rating: 8.5
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