Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Will Ginger Ale Stop Throat Burn

Tunnel in Russia

The Lefortovo tunnel (Russian: Лефо'ртовский тонне'ль, transliterated: Lefórtovski Tonnele) is a tunnel for traffic Lefortovo located in a neighborhood of southeastern Moscow (Russia ). Is part of the Third Ring of the city. Its 2.2 km length making it the second longest urban tunnel Europe. TBM was built with a diameter of 14.2 m between 2001 and 2003.
The tunnel runs under the river Yauza whose filtered water at some points. At low temperature greatly , it freezes, drastically reducing the adhesion of the surface of the tunnel.
Because of its high accident rate, known as "The Tunnel of Death." In Internet videos are collected accidents recorded by security cameras of the tunnel ( widely disseminated in 2006 through YouTube .)


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