Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Corbin Fisher V Sean Cody

The smell of garbage grows and grows and multiplies

The Valencian Community is governed by these unpresentable is turning into an embarrassment general, each day brings new revelations of the amount of waste and corruption in this community, from north to south and from south to north, trash everywhere, and especially a way to corrupt political and indecent.

wiretapping businessman Enrique Ortiz during the investigation of the case Brugal have revealed irregularities in the Government contests to build courts and to adjudicate the Wind Plan of the Valencian Community. In such contracts appear as partners with Ortiz brothers of former Minister for Justice and current vice president of the Supreme Judicial Council, Fernando de Rosa, and the Minister for Social Welfare, Juan Cotino.

's father also named Leire Pajin, the police report contained in the piece on the General Plan of Alicante investigated following the so-called "case Brugal" did not indicate whether or not to perform Pajín that effort, but emphasizes the great interest the then still mayor of Alicante, Luis Díaz Alperi, was that the approval of the plan will accelerate.

If you had a little shame shut the party of the corruPPción closed tight, and it is shown that Leire Pajin intermediate or made any efforts to help the corrupter this, to resign immediately as well, enough of all that rubbish.

And who does not speak or do anything but send sms to support people like the mayor of Valladolid, which face at once, or is it that has so much shit to hide here as the rabble of valence?


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